viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

What are your motives for teaching? What rewards or incentives do you get from teaching? How might your motives interfere with your ability to put the needs of your students ahead of your own?

      I have always dreamed of becoming an English teacher and having the chance to teach what I have learned to other people. I think my main motive for teaching is that I like let other people know what I have understood, and I feel great whenever a student approaches me and tells me: “ I want you to give us classes once again bacause I understand better when you teach”; I feel proud when I hear those words from my students.

     The best reward  I have got from teaching is  KNOWLEDGE. When I give English classes, I feel that I learn English more and more, that is I increase my understanding  because I am practicing what I already know all the time. The best incentive that I get from teaching is when I realize that most learners understood my English class, and when I ask: Do you have any question? There is no doubt all around the classroom.

     I think that when a person becomes a teacher and gets a job in which he/she works as a teacher, first of all, he/she has to think about his/her teaching motives; that is  the teacher has to focus the attention on the Student`s needs, and then to get focus on her/his motives and needs. If it is possible to carry out both teacher`s motives and the Students`  needs at the same time  it is better.  

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