miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

What is a teacher’s style of delivery and what is your style of delivery?

     Regularly, the teacher stands in front of his/her learners and he/she starts to the deliver the content by using a lesson plan or a hand-out. In other words, most of the teachers use a direct instruction (teacher – centered) in which the teacher is the major information provider and students just receive the instruction or information. The arrangement of desks in the classroom is most often structured in rows so that students are facing the teacher.

     When teaching, I always arrange the desks forming a horse shoe for me to have enough space to carry out a variety of activities. The tutor always made us design a lesson plan per each class so that the ideas have a logical sequence and coherence and learners don’t get confused. I think that when delivering English topics at a level where learners don’t know too much the target language, it is better to use a direct instruction because they couldn`t succeed on their own. Of course the students have the chance to ask as many questions as they can.

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

What are convergent and divergent questions? How can these types of questions help students initiate addressing reasoning as an active process?

      When teaching, teachers could use convergent and divergent questions to give instructions. Convergent questions are questions that involve limited answers. That is, the receiver is not required to provide many details when answering and this type of questions doesn’t involve too much analysis or reflections.

      I think this kind of questions can be useful for beginners  because they don’t have to provide too many elements such as vocabulary, grammar structures or pronunciation proficiency; but they are learning how to respond by using short answers.  

    Divergent questions are questions that encourage general or open respond. It means that since students have to provide more elements and details when answering, teachers have the chance to evaluate learners language proficiency ( vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar structures and so on ) and to give advice about how to improve weaknesses.

    In my opinion, this  questions are more suitable for Advanced English Students because they have to use the language by expressing more ideas and thoughts.  

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

What are two ways classroom design has changed over the past twenty years?

Children can and do learn in places where they feel comfortable, it is accomplished by having a classroom design that accommodates the learners’ preferences.

The classroom setting has changed over the past two decades regarding academic and behavioral considerations. The physical arrangement of desks and chairs in a classroom communicates the behaviors and instructional accommodations for the population that occupies it. Although things have changed regarding room design opportunities, the way one was taught has impacted teaching for decades, because oftentimes teachers teach the way they were taught.

About twenty years ago, desks and bench-type seats were secured to the floor, which did not provide for movement of them into different configurations for, let’s say, small-group work. A section of the room was built to accommodate coats and outerwear with closets. Most often books were stored in either desk drawers or the desk top, which lifted upward.

Nowadays, when considering classroom design, educators can be concerned that those in the room have a sense of security. They may feel cozy and have ownership.

For instance, now learners use one-person desk and teachers can perform more activities such as pair work or group work by arranging the learners in strategic places. Consequently, educators can give their courses using advanced technology ( computer, projector, educative softwares, internet access, virtual classrooms and so on). What teachers have to do is just to choose a suitable learning technique in order for promoting a successful learning in the school community.

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

What are three types of comprehension, and how do these differ from one another? Provide one example of each type.

     Comprehension is the use of one’s memory and these leveled thinking processes with the ability to understand or have knowledge about something.

There are three types of comprehension:
  1. Memory
  2. Cognition
  3. Metacognition
-Memory is the storing and then recalling and retrieving of thoughts and feelings.

-Cognition and metacognition are recognized as being lower- and higher-level thinking.
     For instance, I have learned a lot of English information such as fruits, colors, countries, numbers and so forth. I think that my memory helped me to store that information in the past and now it is  helping me to remember it. 
     Through the cognition I have learned how to organize that information to transmit messages and to communicate my ideas, feelings and thoughts to other people; and the metacognition is still helping me as a Long – Term memory which allows me remember the information for a long time.