viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

what are the differences between teaching approach, teaching method, teaching techniques and teaching strategies? 

In my opinion, the TEACHING APPROACH  is the most general, it involves all the assumptions, focuses and aproximations written by different authors on different books about language teaching.
when teachers read those assumptions, each of them establish their own METHOD or ordered procedures plan to teach  English, that is why it is said that a method is based on an approach. With a established teaching method, the teacher can already disign an overall plan related to teaching. This plan has to include specific classroom activities that the educator has to perform with learners, using some skills which are called TECHNIQUES. And TEACHING STRATEGIES refers to the ways to carry out those skills in planning.     

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Explain the most important purpose in education: self-fulfillment. How can we help our students reach their potential to the fullest? How can we, teachers, be a source of inspiration to our students?

Self-fulfuillment refers to our complete transformation. This transformation is an illuminating change in head and heart that help learners achieve their potential and their purpose. Head refers to our human capacity to discover and problem-solve. Heart is the person's essence. Head and heart work together to animate who we are.        
Being what we can be reflects the potential of the human spirit.                                                                                                                                                                       
To capture the emotion and ignite the interest of learners has not only academic but social and spiritual contexts. Social and spiritual goals should be aimed toward the same end: serving something or someone greater than ourselves.  
Education begins with learners and their transformation, so students need teachers they can believe in: teachers who model lives of empathy and service.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

What do I want to teach?

I want to teach because I realy love English Teaching. when I was a child I often thought to become a good teacher one day, and now I'm in the process of becoming a teacher, I would like to educate in a succesful way, that's why I try to improve my English skills every day.
I feel proud because I feel that my dream is coming true.


This model is very important in the teaching - learning process. The teacher has to be like a researcher (scientific and empirical investigation) and innovate himself in order to develop efficient learner´s skills. Both the pre-service and in-service teachers have to work in collaboration and coordination each other, using the best strategies to promote a better learning in the clasrroom. The teacher must change him/her teanching style and don´t stop making changes in the process, it means he has to enable himsef/herself always.